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This is an all-important question and answering it correctly will give you the correct footing in your marital relationship Choosing the wrong partner accounts for a larger percentage of the cause for Divorce. A hint I will like to drop is “ Do you have a life? By that I mean have you gotten a firm hold on your life and the direction you are headed? If yes, does that person have a profitable space in that life you see ahead of you? Start getting your answers by answering these two questions, And then book for counseling and let’s get you very certain.
Most of the time when you are so confused about whether the time is right to get married and if at all you are ready to take a leap into the marital journey, it is because you are not ready. The reasons could be founded or unfounded, but you need to first take a chill pill and find out what exactly it is. And PLEASE get help. Go for counseling, read books, attend marriage seminars. Marriage is beautiful. If you are considering it, then give it all it takes, so that you will enjoy your marital journey with your choice partner, for your lifetime together. I have never seen any one get in the cockpit first, before learning how to fly an aircraft, or have you? Why then do many people get into Marriage without adequate preparation of what it takes to have a successful one. Please don’t add to the number, decide to prepare before getting into marriage, so that yours will be a happy ending. That is how it is supposed to be. Wishing you the very best and looking forward to counseling with you and being a part of your marital success story. Keep living real
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A successful marriage is one where BOTH the man and the woman are fulfilling purpose IN and THROUGH their marriage. There is a purpose for marriage and there is individual purpose in life, both are expected to thrive in a healthy marital relationship
I have counseled a lot of people and many of their marital conflicts were amicably resolved. Divorce is not convenient at all, it is not an option any peace-loving person wants to quickly consider. It is draining in all the sense of it : emotionally, spiritually, financially and all. If however, you find yourself at that point, where you need to leave to remain sane, alive and useful, then it is what it is.
Copyright @ Living Real With Sarah.